The Kitchen Accelerator (TKA) discovers and supports emerging chefs and restaurateurs. We help culinary founders succeed with no-cost incubation services, expert mentorship and integrated sales and marketing opportunities.

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The Program

Participating chefs commit to a six-month intensive residency that focuses on developing all aspects of their business—inside and outside the kitchen. There is an optional, additional 6-month extension. Upon graduation, our chefs may also have opportunities to continue building their business through our network of partners. Each participant spends five to ten hours per week on program activities.

Total Chef Revenue:

Lifetime in-program revenue earned by our chefs


Total Coaching Hours:


Lifetime total coaching hours provided

The Purpose

More than just food

We believe that as a community, society and nation that the systems of opportunity and access are broken. New, reimagined systems and solutions are needed to create lasting, positive socioeconomic progress. Immigrants, people of color, women and most historically marginalized groups have lower rates of entrepreneurship combined with lower long-term success rates. Yet there are known resources that can help create lasting equity in our ecosystem. Incubated businesses have over double the success rate. And 86.9% of new entrepreneurs create their business out of opportunity instead of necessity.

Nothing creates culture and connection and can break down barriers and stereotypes in the process, than food. Around the table is where we can see and hear each other, discovering and building common ground.




The People

  • Chef Ivan Romero

    TKA Executive Chef, Culinary, and Events Leader

  • Chef Joy Pierson

    TKA Coach, Award Winning Vegan Chef and Restaurateur

  • Chef Jeff Trombetta

    TKA Coach, Former head of Norwalk Community College’s Culinary Program

  • Chef Fejsal Demiraj

    TKA Advisor, Former Chef de Kitchen at Noma

  • Nette Compton

    President and CEO at Mill River Park Collaborative

  • Michelle Donovan

    Head of Experiential Marketing & Director at CoCreate at GE Appliances

  • Lisa Feinberg

    Partner, Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey LLP

  • Isis-Rae Goulbourne

    TKA Marketing Coach, Chief Marketing Officer and Head of Events, Realist Lab

  • PJ Kennedy

    Founder, HeyStamford!

  • Olga Lopez

    Skills Development Program Manager at Building One Community

  • Marie Rocha

    Chief TKA Business Advisory Partner, CEO & Founder, Realist Lab

  • Christine Sullivan

    TKA Business Coach, Chief Program Officer, Realist Lab

  • Jon Winkel

    TKA Development & Partnerships Leader. President, Village Community Foundation